Sunday, February 28, 2016

England Trip?!?!?

So a couple days ago I was also able to catch-up with my friend in Nottingham over Skype. It had been months since we had a proper chat so it ended up being around 4hrs long. I'm really hoping to have the chance to fly out there at some point. I've always wanted to go to England and since she has her own place that would take care of lodging, which greatly increases my chances of going.

While I plan on asking those who've had greater experience flying internationally, I just did a practice run to get an idea of how much it would cost. Looking about 4 months in advance, I could be gone May 10-16 with nonstop round trips to London for about $1,300, which I've got to say isn't that bad. Of course I'd need to save up a lot for souvenirs and the like, but for the absolute basic fee that's not terrible.

Now how can I properly save up for this trip? With a motivation jar! About a week ago, I decided to reward myself for each day I write, each day I read my scriptures, each work shift I take the train to work instead of driving, and each day I exercise 30min or more. My original goal was to purchase a French horn, but I've changed my mind. Each fulfillment equals 1 penny in the jar (but symbolizes $1), so all I need to do is determine how much I need to save, find a container big enough for however many pennies that is, then start saving!

I'll have to actually set aside real money while I do this though, so maybe every roll of pennies I finish I'll transfer $100 to the savings or something. I suppose I'll figure it out as I go.

Finance and Organizing

So I'm a few hours late on my two week goal, but that's all right. Still a significant improvement over what I've done before. And I apologize but it appears that most posts are going to be updates until I can really get the ball rolling on actual noteworthy accomplishments.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Goal Update

I updated in less than a month--I'm so pleased with myself! Now I'll try to update every other week, and build up to posting weekly. Baby steps; that's the key.

For the past month I've been house/dog-sitting for a friend. Not being at home with access to internet has hindered my goal progression, but now that it's over I can more easily get the ball rolling.